Whether you decide to do a country wide trip or stay at your local campground, use it for off grid camping or as a traveling office for work, whatever the intent we find ourselves at the initial crosswords between a Towable Rv or a Drivable. And that decision can be tough, intimidating even especially for first time buyers who can be easily overwhelmed by the vast amount of options of RV’s out there. We’ve all been there when it comes to decisions with so many things in life, “What should we have in dinner?”, “What should we watch?”, “What should we do tonight?” decisions are tough! And sometimes it helps to have someone to bounce those ideas off of or simply to have some kind of point of reference to help you come to a conclusion yourself, which brings us here. Today we’ll be going over the pro’s of both drivable RV’s and Towables to help you better understand and eventually decide on which is better for you! Let’s get into it starting with…
Which tend to be the most popular among campers due to their the variety of shapes and sizes such as teardrops like 2024 inTech RV Luna Rover, fifth wheels like the 2023 VanLeigh RV Beacon 39GBB, toy haulers like the 2023 Grand Design Momentum G-Class 320G or pop-ups like the 2023 Forest River RV Rockwood High Wall Series. Towables are built to accommodate solo travelers and even large families and how you get them to your camping destination has just as wide of a range with many them being able to be towed by smaller vehicles.
Convenience is huge when it comes to Towable RVs because they can be detached from the towing vehicle, allowing you to use your vehicle for other things while at your destination. Generally speaking, Towable RVs also tend to be less expensive both in terms of initial cost and maintenance due to their lack of engines or chassis.
If you’re looking for an RV that you can leave at a campground for extended periods, while also have multitool levels of variety for accommodations while ALSO allowing for you to save initially then a Towable may be for you! Check more of them out here!
Now for drivables or better known as motorhomes. Motorhomes such as the 2024 Entegra Coach Emblem 36U, the 2024 Thor Coach Motor Vegas 24.4 or the 2024 Coachmen Mirada 35SE provide flexibility, comfort and convenience to campers that truly would like to bring their home to the wilderness. Firstly Motorhomes tend to offer much more living space and amenities compared to towable. They come equipped with larger kitchens, bathrooms, and living spaces, making them more practical for extended trips or even full time living. And setting up for camp is much easier, just park, extend your slides and relax.
Now to be completely honest the upfront cost may be more expensive HOWEVER there is savings to be had due to no need for additional equipment like a tow vehicle and a hitch. Also, you may save on fuel costs since Motorhomes are built on more fuel-efficient platforms compared to larger trucks needed for towing. Also also, you’ll save on campground fees since most campgrounds charge extra for additional vehicles. A nice cherry on top is that motorhomes tend to hold their value well, especially if properly taken care of. Meaning you’ll be able to recoup a significant amount of your investment when it’s time to sell or upgrade to a new RV.
So if you’re looking for a camper that will give you all the comforts of home, while being extremely convenient to take most place while also allowing you to save over time then a Motorhome may be for you! Click here to check out more!
So who wins?
Easy, you do! The research phase before making any purchase is incredibly important, especially a huge commitment such as an RV. By reading through posts such as these and reviewing inventories such as this one , you bring yourself one step closer to making an exciting and well informed decision. But what if you have more questions or would rather speak to an expert? Then feel free to give us a call today and we’ll be more than happy to help you out in any way that we can! Thank you so much for reading and until next time happy camping!